Finally we have a community association!

The object of the Royalla Community Association is to:

  1. Foster and promote community spirit, cooperation and activities among residents of the Royalla area, including assisting in the provision of community facilities.
  2. Represent the interests of the Royalla community, and support community groups that are active in the Royalla area.
  3. Strengthen local community capacity through sponsoring, coordinating and/or assisting community activities and projects, including fund-raising activities to create, develop or enhance community facilities and when feasible to support the activities of other community groups.
  4. Represent members in consultation with Queanbeyan and Palerang Councils, and the ACT government,  (including participation in Palerang Council’s Royalla Common Management Section 355 Committee) and with other community groups and organisations.
  5. Provide a forum to discuss major issues affecting the Royalla community and the development of collaborative strategies to address these challenges.
  6. Represent the interests of the Royalla community with regard to local, regional and federal issues.

Our committee members are:

Chair/President -                  Peter Bignell
Assistant Chair/President -   Mike Jaggard
Treasurer -                          Colin Sweeny
Secretary -                          Ann Tyllyer
Members -                          Barbara Bennett-Jones
                                          Jim Coyne
                                          Casey Mudford
                                          Sally Jaggard
                                          Brendan Robinson

Some of he projects we are currently working on include:

  1. Establishing a membership base
  2. Applying for grants to pay for insurance for community events, and to fund some events
  3. Organising a Chistmas function
  4. Compiling a "New Residents Pack"  to provide information to people who may not have lived in a rurual residental area before.
  5. Identifying local interest groups
  6. Publishing a local Newsletter

If you would like to join the Royalla Community Association (RCA), or just get involved in various projects, please contact us by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Information about membership will be available here soon.