
Thank you to the willing group last Saturday morning who helped with the weeding, mowing and tidy up of the Elm Grove and the amphitheatre.  Some of the daffodils and the iris are in flower and the leaves are shooting on the elms and it looks quite a picture.

A special thank you to Hisako who, unable to work that morning, delivered a carrot cake to the morning workers. Much appreciated thank you Hisako.


An extra thank you to Paul, Craig, Shelley and Dave who returned for several hours in the afternoon with machines to spread soil and rake grass seed beside the path from the Hall site to the Elm Grove.

Plumbing quotes for work on the Hall are being prepared for Palerang Council and we are hoping that it won’t be long before Stage 1 of the hall development will begin.

There have been a number of Working Bees this year and we thank everyone who has helped out at any time, including for and at the Roundup.  Your effort and results have been considerable and the enthusiastic community involvement has been greatly appreciated.

Royalla Common s355 Committee

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